Review: The Good Germ Hotel

The Good Germ Hotel
Author: Kim Sung-hwa and Kwon Su-jin
Illustrator: Kim Ryung-eon
Publisher: What on Earth Books
Ages 6-9 (Publisher Suggested)

The Publisher of this book classifies it cohort ready at ages 6-9. I’m pushing the recommendation to ages 9-12; as it contains a lot of Tier III vocabulary and will require much adult explanation.

This is a well-illustrated, solid book that is a wonderful introduction to how germs and bacteria work within your body. It is rich in text, cartoon-like illustrations, and even contains a brief discussion of the Covid-19 virus. The illustrations, by the way, are not for the faint of heart. They include a full digestive tract, including the exit (done humorously), or evacuation, if you will. In addition, there is an engaging discussion of both good and bad microbes.

Future biologists, scientists, or kids who like to know how things work will love this book. It’s a great exploration of what’s going on–inside.

The Good Germ Hotel (Support an Independent Bookstore)*
The Good Germ Hotel (Amazon)*

My thanks to What on Earth Books for providing a Review Copy of this book. All opinions provided herein are my own.

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