Review: Great Job, Dad! & Great Job, Mom!

Great Job, Dad! & Great Job, Mom!
Author & Illustrator: Holman Wang
Publisher: Tundra Books
Ages 3-8

Using wool, needle felting and a dramatic forced-perspective technique, Homan Wang creates every day vignettes where parents undertake super and not so super jobs.

Charmingly illustrated, parents are seen acting as chauffeurs, librarians, receptionists, archeologists, zookeepers and the like–all while doing everyday errands and chores in support of their children. Take, for example, a mom portrayed as an “archeologist in search of buried parts” while searching through the laundry. Or, a dad serving as a librarian while reading a bedtime story.

Marketed for the 3-8 cohort, but perhaps better suited for the 3-5 set, the books are a solid gift to new parents and can be purchased individually.

Great Job, Dad (Support an Independent Bookstore)*
Great Job, Dad (Amazon)*
Great Job, Mom (Support an Independent Bookstore)*
Great Job, Mom (Amazon)*

My thanks to Tundra Books for providing a Review Copy of this book. All opinions provided herein are my own.

More books for this Age Group can be found here.

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